Roll for Sanity

Mostly about tabletop and laptop role-playing games.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Traveller RPG: How Bad is It to Play a Young Traveller?


  1. Hey Shawn, have you thought about posting a transcript? I'd like to see your opinion on a lot of the headlines you post, but there's no way I'm going to listen to even five minutes of audio, let alone thirty. If not, I understand, but I read the internet. Thanks for considering my opinion.

    1. I used to do writing for this blog. But my players prefer audio of a sort for listening on the go.

      Is there a blog you go to that has the kind of text layout that you like?

    2. Thanks for even considering my request! I don't really care about a fancy layout. Just a default word-processor look is fine for me. You're welcome to take a look at my own blog, where I just paste text in after typing on LibreOffice.
